Definition of "Small Parcel" Carriers
Examples of small parcel carriers are:
UPS Parcel
FedEx Parcel
DHL Express
& Many other Parcel or Express Carriers
How TAN Small Parcel Post Audit Works
Post Auditing "Small Parcel" carriers is a complicated type of audit that requires advanced computer systems and software to analyze your small parcel carrier's weekly invoicing.
Parcel carriers guarantee the on time delivery of all air, ground and international parcels however, 2%-5% of these parcels are delivered late. Over $2 Billion go uncollected yearly because shippers do not have the time, resources or technology to collect these refunds until now. TAN proprietary software and 40+ years of experience have propelled us to the preferred parcel auditing company.
TAN's proprietary software automatically downloads your small parcel carrier's weekly invoice files and performs an extensive and detailed audit to identifiy misapplied charges, invoice errors, and service failures. We audit each invoice, line by line, to ensure that each and every charge was applied correctly. For every incorrect charge identified, TAN will submit an overcharge claim on your behalf and verify the carrier refunded the overcharges.
TAN's fees are 100% "Contigency" based. TAN does not get paid until your refunds have been recovered!
Listed below are the basics of TAN's Small Parcel Post Audit Process and some of the billing errors TAN Investigates: